Sunday, March 15, 2009

As You Like It LRJ #4

Chue Meng Vang

Ms. Peifer

English 10 IB

March 14, 2009

Rosalind #4

Rosalind is still Ganymede. She is at her cottage in the Arden Forest. Rosalind is probably towards the side of the stage. There is no significance of her location in this act, she is still where she usually is. In this act Rosalind wants to be with Orlando. She does this by having a mock marriage with him. Before anything can happen though, Orlando had to leave and meet the Duke for dinner. She lets him go but he must return soon. "...if you break one jot of your promise or come one minute behind your hour, I will think you the most pathetical break promise, and the most hollow lover..."(4, 1, 201-204)

Later on she recieves news from Oliver (who is Orlando's brother) that Orlando can't make it because he was wounded. Rosalind's relations in this act are all the same. Orlando is falling in love with Rosalind as Ganymede. Oliver is of course a bit disturbed and suspicious of Ganymede becayse of her reaction to news of Orlando.
"This was not counterfeit. There is too great testimony in your complexion that it was a passion of earnest."(4, 3, 179-181)

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