Sunday, April 26, 2009

Zen Parable

Chue Meng Vang
Ms. Peifer
English 10 IB
April 26
Freedom for Gold
There was a man named Red with an average life. He lacked any motivation in his life. Then one day while serfing the channels on the television he hears a report about missing gold. The gold disappeared near his area. He just shrugs and goes out for a walk. While jogging near the park he sees the police and several volunteeers sweeping the area. Then he sees his best friend named Blue walking towards him. They both talk about the news of the missing gold. His friend says he did see something unusual in the bushes several hundred meters west from the park. They both go to check it out.
When they both get there they see the bushes very misplaced. It looked as if a tornado hit, some of the leaves were scattered all over. They both decide to dig through the bushes. The man and his friend find something shining. They move some leaves and find a yellow bar. It was heavy, it was gold. They set it aside and keep looking. After digging around for about 3 hours they find several gold bars, about 40 of them. The man and his plot what to do next. They both decide to cover up the gold and return tomorrow with bags and a golf cart to retrieve the gold.
The next day Red walks to the site where he and Blue found the gold. Blue drove along with his golf cart. They both take some bags and fill them up with the gold. Then they drive it to Blue's house. Their they hide it in his basement for the time being. They discuss the rest of their plan about what to do. After talking about things for about an hour they decide to keep the gold hidden in Blue's basement for the time being until the cops stop searching. After about a week red comes over for his half of the gold. Blue is there and give Red his half. Then when Blue wasn't looking Red kills Blue. Then Red takes the gold and hides it away in an unknown place. A few days later Blue is found dead. Red is arrested and charged for murder and is locked away. Red is locked away for a long time, but he still has his gold hidden away and waiting for him.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Japanese LRJ# 2

Chue Meng Vang
Ms. Peifer
English 10 IB
April 22, 2009
Haikus and Senryus
In the haikus, nature play a big part in them. Without nature the haikus lose a certain feel to them that makes them unique. In haikus nature play a huge part in the imagery. Most haikus will mention nature like cherries and blossoms. The other thing that nature adds on to haikus is color. Nature is very colorful and when reading about nature different colors come to mind. Like red for cherries, pink for blossoms, and blue for water. The third thing that nature adds to the poem is emotion. When reading poems involving nature it kinds of brings out the poets tone and the purpose of the poem.
Haikus and Senryus have a lot in common and a lot of difference. Two obvious similarities both of them have is that both have the same syllable pattern and only 3 lines. The other thing both of them have in common is that both usually talk about experiences that the poet has had or the poet has seen. One of the most notable differences between these two styles of poetry is that senryus are more meant for comedy and amusement. While Haikus talk more about nature and express feelings more deeply. Another thing about Haikus is that they use a lot of nature. One thing about the senryu is that it is more down to earth, you don't have to think too hard while reading them to understand them. Two good poems that show these differences are Uejima Onitsura's Haiku and the Senryu about the man who scolded his wife.
Red Stream
Tall plants all around
The berries are not ripe
The river is red
Get a killing spree
Then hear some fire from no where
Nothing but anger

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Japanese LRJ# 1

Chue Meng Vang
Ms. Peifer
English 10 IB
April 22, 2009
Tanka LRJ
"I Waited and I" by Princess Nukada
The assonance in this poem is in line 3. "My blind"(Nukada, 3) This assonance adds a more meaning into what Nukada means by "My blind". That also adds to the entire poem by increasing the meaning of the poem. The theme of the poem is waiting. Nukada is waiting for someone and it is probably her love because the poem has a waiting dearly tone in it.
"The End of my Journey" by Oshikochi Mitsune
" I stood, my mind floating"(Mitsune, 5) The assonance gives an prepare for action feeling because right after the assonance an action word is placed there. This helps with the flow of the poem. The theme in this poem is last moments. The poem sums up the last moments of Mitsune's journey.
"Now I Cannot Tell" by Ki Tsurayuki
"In this place I used to know"(Tsurayuki, 4) The assonance of this poem focuses the reader's mind on the line its on. This line is probably the turning point of the poem. The theme of this poem is change. There is change and the author can no longer identify what he used to know.
"How Helpless My Heart!" by Ono Komachi
"Were the stream to tempt,
My body, like a reed"(Komachi, 2-3) The assonance atracts the reader in the beginning of the poem. the theme is deeath. The theme of death in this poem is put into terms of nature. this adds a kind of elegance to the theme.
"Every Single Thing" by Priest Saigyo
"Changes and is changing"(Saigyo, 2)
"Yet with the same light"(Saigyo, 4) The assonance doesn't have too much of the same affect compared to the other poems because the assonance is more spread out. The theme in this is while things change, some things remain the same. As the world changes the moonlight stays the same.
Death's Vision
Black and white flash
the past flashes with speed
The colors faded
In a split final second
Happieness and love are gone.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chinese LRJ# 5

Chue Meng Vang
Ms. Peifer
English 10 IB
April 15,2009
Tu Fu Poetry
The two poems chosen for this LRJ are "Night Thoughts Afloat" and "Jade Flower Palace". The things the two poems have in common are common details, time, and lonliness. A detail both poems have in common is that both include the movement of the wind. From "Night Thoughts Afloat": "in a gentle wind"(2), and from "Jade Flower Palace": "The wind moans in the pines."(2-3). Both the poems speak of passing time. Night Thoughts Afloat:"Drifting, drifting,"(13) In that quote Tu Fu is drifting in time. The next qoute from Jade Flower Palace Tu Fu is also letting time slip by. "The future slips imperceptibly away."(18-19) In both poems Tu Fu is alone because the tone set by him is very sad in a lonely way.
The differences of the two poems are setting, and other distinctive differences. One of them is that Jade flower Palace uses more imagery than Night Thoughts Afloat while that poem uses more action words like "under", "drifting", and "hang". The other difference is the setting of the two poems. Jade Flower is near an abandoned palace, while Night Thoughts Afloat is at an unknown place.

Chinese LRJ #4

Chue Meng Vang
English 10 IB
April 15, 2009
Book of Songs and Li Po
In the "O Oriole, Yellow Bird" the phrase "I must go back, go home"(6, 13, 20) is repeated. The mood here is sadness. It is sadness because the author wants to go home. In "What Plant is Not Faded" the phrase "what man is not taken.."(3,6) is repeated. The mood in this repeated also sadness.
The overall mood in "Quiet Night Thoughts" is elegance. The entire poem has a sense of elegance in it due to the words chosen. The words are descriptive and reading the poem you can feel and see where he is, you can see what he sees. "...bright moonlight..."(2) This description helps set the mood of the poem.
In "Quite Night Thoughts" Li Po uses images of nature as a reference to his children who he misses. "And your tears flow like the running stream;"(17) Li Po speaks of his son's tears of sorrow in the poem. "When you come there underneath my peach, Oh to pat and pet you too, my child!"(20-21) Li Po would be happy to have is son with him again and have his cson follow his path.
Letter to Their Dear Father
Father do not sorrow
for we love and miss you as well.
You don't sail the Yangtze alone for we are the changing river.
We are the growing peach tree next to the large peach tree.
Like both peach trees next to one another
We will always gorw and be next to one another.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chinese LRJ #3

Chue Meng Vang
Ms. Peifer
English 10IB
April 8, 2009
Modern day society has more in common with Taoism. The ideas that modern society really follow are to keep order and let things come to you to seize. Modern society kind of follows the other two ideas. There is not that much Confucian ideas in todays society anymore. People now a days don't respect their elders that much anymore. People are also definatly not humble and honest anymore. Everybody now a days likes to brag and show off. Also everybody lies, to get out of trouble usually but they usually fall into a deeper hole. Now a days keeping order is really big. Everything from households to governments do everything to keep order even if they do it in immoral ways. An example is governments bribing or threatening resistance or groups of any kind to get them to stop. Also order is kept through lies as well. Another example is in some households strict punishment is used. The other thing is that not very many people take action. People just wait around before it is too late to take any action.

Chinese LRJ #2

Chue Meng Vang
Ms. Peifer
English 10IB
April 8, 2009
Tao Te Ching
The first excerpt of the Tao Te Ching is about how nothing is permament. Everything is always constant. The second excerpt is about keeping order. Order can only be achieved by getting rid of human desires. By not giving people knowledge, they can't think of harmful thoughts. The next excerpt is not to over do things. This will cause things to go bad over time. So one must not over work. The last excerpt is to let things come to you. Do not take any action.
In Confucianism the world presents us with opportunities. We have to take action and help one another. By following the 4 values listed, those values will help out in people getting along in human society. "Behave in such a way that your father and mother have no anxiety over you, except concerning your health."(11,2) This will help you earn respcet in society by the higher ranking members of society, thus they can help you in return. In Taoism to keep order you don't honor people of worth. "Not to honor men of worth will keep the people content."(9,1) This though could include elders and definatly superiors. These two factors are a big dividing line between the two.

Chinese LRJ #1

Chue Meng Vang

Ms. Peifer

English 10IB

April 7, 2oo9


(paragraph, sentence)
The confucious value of humility is explained in one quote. "In old days men studied for sake self-improvement; nowadays men study in order to impress other people."(8,1) This quote is saying how humility has now been thrown away. Humility is no longer a value in society, people nowadays only study to impress which is the opposite of humility. The other value is honesty. "A gentleman can see a question from all sides without bias. The small man is biased and can see the question from one side."(12,1) Due to dishonesty a man can't see things clearly unless he gets rid of it. The third value is to respect your elders and superiors. "A young man's duty is to behave well to his parents at home and to his elders abroad..."(2,1) The quote clearly says that people should respect their elders. The last listed value is to provide a moral example. "Let there be no evil in your thoughts."(5,1) People should cleanse their mind of thoughts that are immoral and wrong.

"The Master said, he who will not worry about what is far off will will soon find something much worse than worry close at hand." A good modern example that proves this quote true is global warming. Now no one is doing anything about it because it seems far away but right now temperatures are heating up and the North pole is melting. Also lakes and other bodies of water are drying up as proof of global warming.