Monday, May 11, 2009

Wilde LRJ# 3

Chue Meng Vang
Ms. Peifer
English 10IB
May 10, 2009
Language of Wilde
Wit: Algernon."The only way to behave to a women is to make love to her if she is pretty and to someone else if she is plain."(p.137, Wilde)
Satire: Jack."When one is in town one amuses oneself. When one is in the country one must amuse others."(p.117, Wilde)
Farce: Daul identities of Jack and Algernon being Ernest.
Wilde's commentary on society is that it is very proper and the upper social classes are very different from other people. When it comes to love everything is about what the other person's family was and how much that person makes. Also what the upper class people do for love and how they go about it.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Chue Meng,
Excellent quotes and analysis of their relationship to Wilde's comment on society. Make the last sentence a more complete and concluding.
-Ms. Johnson