Thursday, November 13, 2008

My First Real Blog

What were my previous experiences with technology?
It is ok and bad. Technology has given me more ways of entertainment. As well as more ways of frustration! My great experiences with technology is playing games and watching videos on Youtube. My worst experiences is getting pop ups, losing files, and internet not working correctly. Besides that technology has become my best friend/worst enemy.

What were my first impressions on setting up my new blog?
I was very excited and nervous. I was excited because I never really made my own blog before, so it would have been a new experience. The idea of having other people read my work makes me nervous. I usually do work under the impression that only my teachers or thier T.A.'s are going to read or correct my work.

How do I think technology could work in school?
I think it will be both good and bad. It will allow us to do things in a different way. People would probably be more expressive and creative. The downside would be when technology isn't working correctly, or technology is missing. Not everybody has a computer with internet. So this could complicate things for those people.


L. M. Peifer said...

It seems the theme of your post is that technology is both positive and negative, which is true. Hopefully, we'll improve the positive and try to get around the negative.

Karl Wichman said...

Haha Chue it seems like we can all relate to the things you said in your blog. And also your profile name is really funny! I thought it was very clever.